Thursday, July 9, 2009

Myth: The first year of marriage is the hardest

On the 4th of July, Brian and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It's so hard to believe that our wedding was a year ago! It seems like just yesterday I was dreaming about the day and planning for every little detail. Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and boy, did Brian and I have a lot of fun this past year.

After two long years of long distance, getting to see Brian everyday was awesome. I used to cry many tears during my junior and senior years of college. Brian and I visited each other a lot over those two years, but saying goodbye was the worst. That's usually when I ended up in tears. I was so excited to finally wake up to him every morning and come home to him every night. We had an amazing first year together and seem to fall more in love each day. I know that's mushy gushy, but it's true. Our first year of marriage was not the hardest. We sure proved that myth wrong.

Brian and I spent our anniversary just hanging out. We walked to the Waynesboro 4th of July Jubilee, ate some Rita's Italian Ice, watched our wedding video (which was so cool - it's amazing how much I've already forgotten about that day!), ate our frozen wedding cake, spent the evening with friends, and of course, watched fireworks. It was a lovely day!

So you know about the wedding cake tradition, right? You save a layer or a few pieces of your wedding cake, freeze it for a year and then eat it on your one year anniversary. Brian was convinced that the cake was going to be gross and that he would not be able to eat it. Surprisingly, our frozen wedding cake was quite good and we both ate it.

The cake was yummy. I had a vew bites. :)

Brian and I didn't exchange fancy shmancy anniversary gifts. We are saving our funds for bigger and better things, like a cruise in the spring and my future photography business. :) So we just bought each other cards. These were the perfect cards for us. Make sure you read the one on the right very carefully. That's Brian's card to me. He is such a stinker.

Yes, Brian signs his cards with a jar of honey because he is my Honey!

The Waynesboro fireworks were quite good.

Here are my favorites!

Moral of the story and this post: don't believe that crazy myth that says the first year of marriage is the hardest. Brian and I had lots of fun, fell more in love than we were on our wedding day and didn't experience any major bumps in the road. Marriage is awesome! I love my Honey!!!

1 comment:

denise said...

congrats! good to know about the cake! haha, & the fireworks pictures are beautiful!