Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Halloween: Take Two

So I sit here at my desk bored because I am sick at home...alone. After taking a shower that I thought would wipe away my feeling of ew and yucky, I decided to stay home from work and try to get rid of what could be a cold. Besides, I'd probably just get "yelled" by everyone in my office that I need to go home and quit bringing my contagious sick-like germs to work.

Speaking of work, I never did wrap up my "Happy Halloween" story-telling and picture-sharing in my blog posts. I first shared with you my pre-Halloween fun while at work. My boss dressed up as a zombie and joined other co-workers as we attempted to bring the Halloween spirit to the resort.

The Halloween fun continued as Brian and I did our own preparation and celebration for the Halloween season. We carved pumpkins - second year in a row, definitely becoming a tradition - and we attended a Halloween party as Mario and Luigi. Here are some pictures:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Brunner-Hartt Family: Lifestyle Portraits

The peak season of fall was so pretty this year. Every time I was on the road I seemed to find a new favorite tree filled with bright, vibrant colors. And of course the photographer in me would think, "Oh my gosh! I want to take pictures of that tree so I can remember it forever! And how awesome would a beautiful, fun family look in front of it!?!" With everything beautiful about fall - the pumpkins, colorful leaves, fruit markets, scarves, brightly-colored jackets - I couldn't wait to get my hands on my camera for some fall portrait sessions!

During the beginning of this year's peak season for fall leaves (I believe it was October 10-20), my yearning to take some beautiful fall portraits was happily relieved. My friend Rebekah was in search of some updated family pictures and she asked me to provide her family with a session. A fall session. YAY!

So what's the most appropriate location for a fall portrait session? A pumpkin farm, of course! And because there's a spectacular farm in our town, Reynolds Farm, we had no trouble capturing some awesome fall family portraits.

So here they are in all of fall's glory, The Brunner-Hartt Family: Rebekah, Steve, Chris, Holly and Chris.

Brother and sister. Rebekah and Chris.

I loved pretending that Steve and Rebekah were a newly engaged couple by finding lots of lovey-dovey poses for them.

Yep, made 'em stand IN the cornstalks. It would have been totally boring had I made them stand in front of the cornstalks.

A little fighting with the cornstalks. Natural brother-sister tormenting.

Renfrew Park in Waynesboro was filled with beautiful fall colors!

A session favorite.

Rebekah - thank you for inviting me to take some updated family portraits of your family. I had a really great time and was so glad I was able to shoot some pictures in our lovely fall season. You guys look great!