Wednesday, January 6, 2010

JFP E-Newsletter {MD, PA, WV, VA, Washington DC and Beyond Photographer}

One of my goals in the new year is to improve and develop my business. My busy wedding season doesn't begin until April 17 (Joanna and Kevin - can't wait!) so I figured I'd get as much of that improvement and development done as possible over the next few months.

Besides getting a new blog, revamping my price list, evaluating my brand and aquiring new products for my office, among other things, I also want to communicate more with my potential and current clients. Since I don't do any formal advertising for the business (that'll probably come within the next six months or so), I need other ways of telling people about JFP! Since I love to email, share pictures and offer specials, I decided an e-newsletter would be a nice addition.

In the e-newsletter, I plan on sharing JFP news and pictures, and give exclusive offers. Don't worry, though, friends, fans and clients - I don't plan on bombarding you with tons of e-newsletters each week. Maybe just a few a month. The first JFP e-newsletter was sent on Monday and I hope to send another in a couple of weeks. If you'd like to subscribe to the e-newsletter, send me an email at and I'll add you! Here's a look at the first JFP e-newsletter....

Sorry it's a small rendering, but it's just a screen shot of the newsletter. Unless you link to it...enjoy!

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